Friday, May 8, 2009

How to Survive a Tattoo Apprenticeship

Hey, my name is Mikey (aka Mikey Bonez) and I'm going to be taking you on my journey from Tattoo Apprentice to Tattoo Artist. I'm determined to turn my dreams into reality, and I have a feeling it's gonna be a tough road.

After making my rounds to every tattoo shop in my neighborhood and getting turned down I found the light at the end of the tunnel. After talking to artist Jason Clay Dunn on the phone he graciously gave me the opportunity to come in and talk to him in person.

He grilled me on my sincerity and dedication, and after a long serious talk, he agreed to give me a shot. Since then I've been working my butt off every chance that I get, and taking in as much as possible.

I already feel like I'm learning a lot and I cant wait to share all the ups and downs on my journey to success. Make sure to subscribe to my blog for upcoming rants, raves, talks, and discussions on my life as an apprentice, or as Jason likes to refer to me as "The Student".

Mikey Bonez

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